Monday, 27 October 2008
OHHHHHHH wow can't believe it been doing fair bit of scrap as takes me away in my head from all daily rubbish, and on tally scrappers i came 6th in tlast weeks surviovor challenge :) yeah :) it was do a layout based on design of a CD cover,

mmmm monday
Ok so am i the only one struggling with the hour clock change ????? my body is so thrown out keeps telling me it's time to eaty and it's not!!! and wasn't it dark so early last night, glad of the sun today to cheer things up don't like the dark early evenings,
HS/MS/HS prompt for day is GLOSSY - and i love my glossy nail varnishes, did n't realise this pic was so out of focus till uploaded it sorry ( mantra for the day i must take photos in focus )
thanks for looking .

Thursday, 23 October 2008
Been waiting to show off this picture , my DS took it when he was in a take picture of everything mood,
SO for HS/MS/HS prompt of the day GRAIN. here it is,
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
cheerful tuesday
Have to be cheerful after rain and more rain yesterday the sun is out sky blue and trees looks beautiful in so many different colours,
Life been really busy this end work overload, but always try and get here when i can, so todays prompt from HS/MS/HS REFLECT me and my DD,
Life been really busy this end work overload, but always try and get here when i can, so todays prompt from HS/MS/HS REFLECT me and my DD,

Thursday, 16 October 2008
so long !
how quick the days go, a pretty normal week for my house for a change : ) been scrapping quiet alot have taken over dining room it really helps me to de stress and unwind and such a good partner to my photography which i love, so missed my daily prompts last few days but here are couple of pages i completed,
Monday, 13 October 2008
scrap : )
Monday mayhem!
Don't know what your house was like but mine was the usual monday mayhem all trying to get up and do things all under each others feet!!! but we've made it through the day, and dinner now cooking so gives me 5 mins : )
HS/MS/HS propmt is Autumnal well i have carried my camera round all day and the trees looks so pretty in all there colours but can i capture it on film ????? no all my distance shots the trees seem to loose vibrancy of all the reds and yellows so had to make do with a close up , autumn leaves,

HS/MS/HS propmt is Autumnal well i have carried my camera round all day and the trees looks so pretty in all there colours but can i capture it on film ????? no all my distance shots the trees seem to loose vibrancy of all the reds and yellows so had to make do with a close up , autumn leaves,

Saturday, 11 October 2008
Saturday and what a day have been to my scrap class crop : ) 6 hrs of paper and glue heaven , will post few pics of pages tomorrow.
HS/MS/HS prompt for the day is PPS ( pet portrait saturday ) we have 2 cats flo and molly and flo took centre stage on blog the other day for tranquil so as you can see molly is scowling well saying oi you my turn remember !!! so just for her here she is : )
Friday, 10 October 2008
finally Friday

At last it's friday, have had puncture in car, blind fell down at home and yesterday my fridge freezer died big time so milk in bucket of cold water out back, all this along with a stinking cold! so yep i'm glad week almost through : ).
But up side have my laptop back : ) going to scrap crop all day tomorrow which looking forward to, and it seems i'm the best mum in the world according to DS, having purchased a netbook for him to take to college and use as he's struggling with his dyslexia,
This is him looking at it and his eyes not left it :) so for todayHS/MS/HS prompt LOOK here he is .

Thursday, 9 October 2008
which makeover?
Quick post, sisterhood of scrap for text thurs are asking if you could have a makeover what one would it be, go have a look,
Ok after much thought mine would be what not to wear, i had my last cigarette 14 mths ago but gained 3 stone , turned 40 2 yrs ago and don't know were my dress sense fits anymore, dillema is not to be looking like 40 yr old pretending to be 20 lol but neither 40yrs old looking 70 mmmmmm just don't seem to feel right with choices and beleive me i love to shop but soo many mistakes !!!!
Ok after much thought mine would be what not to wear, i had my last cigarette 14 mths ago but gained 3 stone , turned 40 2 yrs ago and don't know were my dress sense fits anymore, dillema is not to be looking like 40 yr old pretending to be 20 lol but neither 40yrs old looking 70 mmmmmm just don't seem to feel right with choices and beleive me i love to shop but soo many mistakes !!!!
Back in Swing
Feel back in swing of things now i have my trusty laptop bck, so quiet early for me today still at home nursing my cold so time to play,
Old picture but as soon as saw prompt on hs/ms/hs SIGN - knew had to be, took this picture in egypt ths year made us chuckle as we don't have such a sign here, but have to say it gets point across just not sure if ment for people walking or driving lol

Old picture but as soon as saw prompt on hs/ms/hs SIGN - knew had to be, took this picture in egypt ths year made us chuckle as we don't have such a sign here, but have to say it gets point across just not sure if ment for people walking or driving lol

Wednesday, 8 October 2008
big smiles
First off i have my laptop back yehhhhhhhhh : ) : ) i know it seems silly but i really missed it, and my daily fix on here,
HS/MS has undergone a make over it is now herspace, myspace, hisspace same format but with a zingy edge : ) well worth a look at if you love your camera,
Today was Welcome an i'm stuck at home with col looking like rudolph so had to be shot from home and everyone gets welcomed into my home with lovely cup tea so ere's one almost gone and well enjoyed : )

HS/MS has undergone a make over it is now herspace, myspace, hisspace same format but with a zingy edge : ) well worth a look at if you love your camera,
Today was Welcome an i'm stuck at home with col looking like rudolph so had to be shot from home and everyone gets welcomed into my home with lovely cup tea so ere's one almost gone and well enjoyed : )

Monday, 6 October 2008
too long!!!
a week since i was here !!! the time really is passing so quickly these days no sooner is it monday than it's monday again !! managed some scrapping today decided about time i took some time back,
So todays pics are Tranquil - flo our cat louging tranquily as she always does at tope of stairs making life look so bliss, From the HS/MS prompt, and my LO for the tallyscrappers challenge, done 2 days early whooppeee i must be on a roll lol
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