i'm so pleased with this it's the Green prompt from HS/MS/HS and i knew i wanted to take the picture, the tree is just outside my dining room and have been watching them slowly grow,

Few questions if any HS/MS/HS groupies come and look, do i need to put the link in when i put mines up on thier site?
is there a flickr general group for HS/MS/HS or is it each on there own? and unable to leave comments on facebook put on facebook is this normal,
ok dense blonde moment over, thanks to anyone who helps me :)
hi sam, i just wanted to answer your questions :)
There isn't a flikr group, everyone just posts their picture in their own bit of cyber space and links them to the hsmshs blog.
At the weekend i will be putting up a slideshow of all images from the week and you can make comments there.
The link you provided was fine.
Thanks for playing along!!!
Have left a message about posting on HSMSHS- hope it helps. Pears look great
Fantastic, Shot. Pears made me feel hungry!
they look very yummy
You definitely have a delicious view appropriately outside your dining room...n thanks for ur comments on my blog.
Smashing take :-) Yours is the only fruit I have seen in this collection.
I used to play along with HSMSHS, started about two years ago! These days it's spasmodic and I don't blog anymore either.
I do use facebook every day, several times a day, and so this is where I post my photos. Some HSMSHS ladies are there too and that's why they could comment :-)
If I remember then I upload to flickr too, (Sue's Snaps).
Those pears look tasty! :) Great shot.
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