I actually managed to achieve things i wanted to today yeahhhhhh, to get here and do yesterdays and todays HS/MS/HS prompt so homemade soup for yesteday ( WW recipe of course ) and was going to put me up for old as feel it today but resisited , so old pictures of my DD on a new scrap page ,
this scrap page is for scrap it like you mean it challenge on UKS, and have managed photo number 9 in my 365 challenge, so not bad start to year :)

Thanks for the lovely comment hun. I took quite a few shots cos I just haven't really got a clue :O)
I am uploading them all now, here's the link if you'd like to take a look
Loving your homemade shot, I would love to do scrapbooking as I have twins who were born prem and have loads of bits and bobs. Maybe I will be inspired by you to start one day! xox
The homemade soup looks delicious and great idea for the old prompt
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