Well today i feel like a yo-yo been in and out the front door too many times to count ! so todays prompt on HS/MS/HS is quiet apt it is HANDLE , so for your delight my front door handle ,

life as seen from a 40 ish, mum of 3, who enjoys scrapbooking,photography and anything for a quiet life!
Great shot,hope all the in and out has stopped :)
Todays just had to be a door handle didn't it!
Ours is really old, was found in the tip :O) and the door is old and battered too. xox
Tee hee, great way to sum up your day!
A bit yo-yoish here too! x
Hope you're getting a rest this evening!
Nice shot, like the angle :)
Love the angle that you have taken this from. x
Ditto about the angle - did you lie on your hall floor?
Amazing how all the door handles look so different - nice angle
Another ditto on the handle. Great angle and nice shot!
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