HS/MS prompt of day is pipes - A tube of material in which to feed liquid or air. Have you got a fine set of pipes?
i'm pinching a idea from a fellow blogger hope she doesn't mind who i came across through HS /MS the prompt made her think of a song and there for past memories, best i can do for song is :
Paul McCartney - pipes off peace
Help them to learn (help them to learn)
Songs of joy instead of burn, baby, burn(burn, baby burn)
Let us show them how to play the pipes of peace
Play the pipes of peace
and here's my pipe piture to for it :)
Think it is a great idea to incude song lyrics.
Great shot. I love the different textures in the shot.
Lovely shot, agree with Aubrey, the textures are great. Pipes of peace is a great song and No I don't mind in the slightest considering I pinched the idea from Sue N who also does the hsms prompts :)
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