HS/MS Prpomt for day is -floating - well as i did the clouds the other day for over had to re think so out came the ever faithful plastic bath duck and bubble bath and here's my float : ) don't you love her eyelashes : )

life as seen from a 40 ish, mum of 3, who enjoys scrapbooking,photography and anything for a quiet life!
Sweet float and yes...I agree about the older ages! They keep us floating!
Great photos! I've been reading your blog and you're not kidding, you are busy. I totally agree that things don't slow down as kids get older...if anything we moms are busier than ever!
Hi! I really like your blog! Check mine out if you have a few minutes! Im just starting out!
She's a charmer!
That's a very cute duck - great photo
Love it (including the eyelashes!)
I'm always a fan of floating duckies. Cute shot!!
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