Wednesday ahhhhh my day off work and first time in ages all my tribe out were they are ment to be : 0 Bliss ................................. so sat with my morning tea and pondered what was to be done..... Housework mmmmm nope.................... washing mmmm nope ................ could do some scrapping finish my pages from the crop ............... tempting ......... but i decided i needed some more glue dots and well you guessed it my pop to the craft shop ended up in 4 hrs shopping .................... ah but my saving grace is i did get some xmas presents ( oh there i go again swearing it is way tooooooo early to mention such a thing !!!! )
swiftly on HS/MS propmt for day for anyone who reads this apart from fellow HS/MS er's is JUICY - so here is mine today cut up and ready to be squeezed into my curry for dinner ,
Love this shot, beautiful lemon and lime.
Hope you enjoyed your curry
Definitely juicy - great shot - hope you enjoyed the curry. Christmas shopping! (I've been making cards, but no present buying yet)
"Sharp" photo - very juicy lime & can I come to tea - curry sounds good
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