Thursday, 11 December 2008

loving december

hs/ms/hs prompt is bows so hunt wasn't hard today just the decision was which one :)

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

couldn't resist

HS/MS/HS prompt for day is Glitter how could i not snap away for that with so many glittering baubles on my tree ,

off to finish my xmas shopping tonight , feels good knowing almost done :) how's everyone else doing ?

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

monday again

why do mondays come round so quickly, well we have managed to get our tree up at weekend, with usual heated debate over who is putting the angel on top as no one can never remember who did it the year before lol

catch up on HS/MS/HS yesterdays was decoration so pic of my door wreath, todays prompt winter so for your entertainement the frost on my shed window :) as house bound waiting for parcel for the 3rd time !!!! not impressed ,why is it delivery people thing our time is not precious so can just wait in all day?

Friday, 5 December 2008

friday update

20 days !!!!! ahhhh tree up ???? mines not at weekend i have promised kids,

HS/MS/HS prompt is GIFT Something given willingly to someone without payment. so here is a mini book i have made for my OH in celebration of our first year together,

Friday, 28 November 2008


HS/MS/HS prompt of day is english ok so not todays picture but can't get more english than fireworks on guy fawkes night, so here's mine, will try and hunt out a today picture too on my daily travels :)

Thursday, 27 November 2008

not long !

back :) well this time next month and all the shopping and eating will be over, lets hope all happy with there lot as it's killing my feet all the shopping !

avoided WW weigh into day as been indulging a little think it's the cold dark evnings make me want to store up by eating loads :)

HS/MS/HS prompt for day is rain, well as blue sky and sunny here today but very cold no rain so pulled out picture from earlier in year, typical british weather out for day in warm sun with kids all having fun then as you can see it poured it down, gave up trying to keep dry really was no point,

Thursday, 20 November 2008

weigh in

errrrrrrr WW weigh in to day missed 3 weeks of it and gained 5 lb!!!!!!!! help have been away but no excuse and i paid to be told that too lol what are we like !

HS/MS/HS prompt for day is Spainish ok so this is last years picture but the saying goes the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain well it fell on the beach solidly for 3 days and this is the result ,

Wednesday, 19 November 2008


a big thankyou to tracy in PC world rochester who after the idiot i got on the phone the other day was more than helpful and could not have done more to help so big thankyou :)

ok todays HSMSHS promt is italy and here is mine taken in the chapel at the vatican to match andys pic :)

Tuesday, 18 November 2008


just shot over to the HSMSHS site as not been about to keep up and todays prompt is FAKE - so couldn't resist here is just a small bit of my DD fake bling :)


thoughts of the day why is it whenever things go wrong you can never talk to the right person on the phone to sort it out !!!!!! i know sorry if your one at the end, this isn't personnal just all policy and procedure ahhhhhhhhhh

ok i moaned lol right here is a layout i have done for the Arty Girlz challenge

Tuesday, 4 November 2008


Time were does it go !!!!! been looking at secondary schools for DD2 tonight and dawned on me my youngest going to big big school ! ahhhh no more little ones in my house the other 2 grew up in a flash once they went , scary thought ................. were did time go????
been doing lots of scrapping lately as my escape :) this picture is of a 3x2 layout ( really that small!!! ) for challenge on tallyscrap, thought would be easy but sooooo fiddly lol

Monday, 27 October 2008


OHHHHHHH wow can't believe it been doing fair bit of scrap as takes me away in my head from all daily rubbish, and on tally scrappers i came 6th in tlast weeks surviovor challenge :) yeah :) it was do a layout based on design of a CD cover,

mmmm monday

Ok so am i the only one struggling with the hour clock change ????? my body is so thrown out keeps telling me it's time to eaty and it's not!!! and wasn't it dark so early last night, glad of the sun today to cheer things up don't like the dark early evenings,

HS/MS/HS prompt for day is GLOSSY - and i love my glossy nail varnishes, did n't realise this pic was so out of focus till uploaded it sorry ( mantra for the day i must take photos in focus )

thanks for looking .

Thursday, 23 October 2008


Been waiting to show off this picture , my DS took it when he was in a take picture of everything mood,
SO for HS/MS/HS prompt of the day GRAIN. here it is,

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

cheerful tuesday

Have to be cheerful after rain and more rain yesterday the sun is out sky blue and trees looks beautiful in so many different colours,
Life been really busy this end work overload, but always try and get here when i can, so todays prompt from HS/MS/HS REFLECT me and my DD,

Thursday, 16 October 2008

so long !

how quick the days go, a pretty normal week for my house for a change : ) been scrapping quiet alot have taken over dining room it really helps me to de stress and unwind and such a good partner to my photography which i love, so missed my daily prompts last few days but here are couple of pages i completed,

Monday, 13 October 2008

scrap : )

OOOOOO twice in one day : ) did this LO for tallyscrappers weekly challenge, got all elements it's ment to have but took some thinking about, titled everyday life,

Monday mayhem!

Don't know what your house was like but mine was the usual monday mayhem all trying to get up and do things all under each others feet!!! but we've made it through the day, and dinner now cooking so gives me 5 mins : )
HS/MS/HS propmt is Autumnal well i have carried my camera round all day and the trees looks so pretty in all there colours but can i capture it on film ????? no all my distance shots the trees seem to loose vibrancy of all the reds and yellows so had to make do with a close up , autumn leaves,

Saturday, 11 October 2008


Saturday and what a day have been to my scrap class crop : ) 6 hrs of paper and glue heaven , will post few pics of pages tomorrow.
HS/MS/HS prompt for the day is PPS ( pet portrait saturday ) we have 2 cats flo and molly and flo took centre stage on blog the other day for tranquil so as you can see molly is scowling well saying oi you my turn remember !!! so just for her here she is : )

Friday, 10 October 2008

finally Friday

Align Left
At last it's friday, have had puncture in car, blind fell down at home and yesterday my fridge freezer died big time so milk in bucket of cold water out back, all this along with a stinking cold! so yep i'm glad week almost through : ).
But up side have my laptop back : ) going to scrap crop all day tomorrow which looking forward to, and it seems i'm the best mum in the world according to DS, having purchased a netbook for him to take to college and use as he's struggling with his dyslexia,

This is him looking at it and his eyes not left it :) so for todayHS/MS/HS prompt LOOK here he is .

Thursday, 9 October 2008

which makeover?

Quick post, sisterhood of scrap for text thurs are asking if you could have a makeover what one would it be, go have a look,

Ok after much thought mine would be what not to wear, i had my last cigarette 14 mths ago but gained 3 stone , turned 40 2 yrs ago and don't know were my dress sense fits anymore, dillema is not to be looking like 40 yr old pretending to be 20 lol but neither 40yrs old looking 70 mmmmmm just don't seem to feel right with choices and beleive me i love to shop but soo many mistakes !!!!

Back in Swing

Feel back in swing of things now i have my trusty laptop bck, so quiet early for me today still at home nursing my cold so time to play,

Old picture but as soon as saw prompt on hs/ms/hs SIGN - knew had to be, took this picture in egypt ths year made us chuckle as we don't have such a sign here, but have to say it gets point across just not sure if ment for people walking or driving lol

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

big smiles

First off i have my laptop back yehhhhhhhhh : ) : ) i know it seems silly but i really missed it, and my daily fix on here,

HS/MS has undergone a make over it is now herspace, myspace, hisspace same format but with a zingy edge : ) well worth a look at if you love your camera,
Today was Welcome an i'm stuck at home with col looking like rudolph so had to be shot from home and everyone gets welcomed into my home with lovely cup tea so ere's one almost gone and well enjoyed : )

Monday, 6 October 2008

too long!!!

a week since i was here !!! the time really is passing so quickly these days no sooner is it monday than it's monday again !! managed some scrapping today decided about time i took some time back,
So todays pics are Tranquil - flo our cat louging tranquily as she always does at tope of stairs making life look so bliss, From the HS/MS prompt, and my LO for the tallyscrappers challenge, done 2 days early whooppeee i must be on a roll lol

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

so little time

So many things to do so little time to fit it in ! but i have managed to do a scrap page today for the challenge on Tallyscrappers, well worth a look, we had list of things to use so found it bit of a challenge,

Apart from that seem to be spending most of the week being taxi driver for my DS and DD but i'm sure any parents knows the all about that always somewere to go,

Will try and catch up with HS/MS this week my camera is gathering dust can't have that ! something new going to happen there go have look i'm intrigued,

Monday, 29 September 2008


Help my laptop has gone to be mended and i feel like my arm has been cut off !!! so no photos from me for today , looking forward to seeeing what suprises HS/MS has in store for us : )

Amazingly i waited in today for laptop to be picked up and they actually arrived lol now that is a good start to week, down side is it will take 2 weeks ahhhhhhhhh what will i do ,

Wednesday, 24 September 2008


Thankyou to all who commented on yesterdays pictures, it seems chris t has actually found one : ) and kept it yeah i think i would have to, chris you are the only person i have ever know who has! As for maz's comment why did i not think of photoshop : ) will do another time now,

Ok so HS/MS prompt is Adventure today, and mine certainly was but not the usual, there we were 4 adults and 5 kids stuck at airport in spain all night !!!! some people shouted as frustrated, some cried , but us always ready to tackle a challenge set up camp for night , made beds for kids with things out suitcases told them what a adventure it was and what a story to tell when home, think it will be one of those things always remembered a right adventure it turned out to be just getting home, ( not to be repeated please ryaniar )

Monday, 22 September 2008

I turned into one of those people today that we all go urghhhhhhh ( or is it just me ) work meeting had dragged on and on all wanted to get away then he asked that dreaded question any questions???? always that 1 person who sparks whole new debate................. and we go arhhhhhhhhhh but today it was me !!!! how scary when i realised afterwards but i didn't understand something and i couldn't get others to see what i didn't get a circle of frustrated discusion ensued and i still don't think i got it lol but lesson learnt always a time when something not understood so next time that person goes but ......... i will understand and smile, ( this has probably been one of the worst bits of rambling i've ever done sorry )

Todays prompt of HS/MS is leaves and despite being on hands and knees no four leaf clover !!! has anyone ever found one ?

MMMMMMMMm delicious the HS/MS prompt from yesterday, had to be had ice cream well a 99 cone in the sun while out walking, but flake got ate first : )

Sunday, 21 September 2008

catch up

well just have to comment on the weather , real indian summer in september this weekend really does make me want to get up and do,

quick visit today to catch up first is HS/MS portrait saturday, not the prettyiest picture but my DD when i said come on smile once to often for the camera yesterday , the other is my SOS picture for today not sure in it but i have been playing about with macro and quiet like the way this one came out, so much to learn never enough time to play and learn, flowers were thanks to my partner he is wonderful : ) Align Left

Friday, 19 September 2008

love the weather

Oh what a glorious day chilly morning but then the sun so warm and bright makes the day seem brighter all round : ) Think i must have thought it was spring as turned out all my kitchen cupboards and if you knew me that is very very rare ! i#m clean and tidy but lived in tidy lol

So todays HS/MS prompt was enjoy and i looked at worl this morning but taken me 12 hours to decide on life is full of so many things i enjoy from a hug from my partner to seeing a squirel in the woods but settled on the picture below,

Thursday, 18 September 2008

2nd of day

a rare event 2nd post of day, i bravely ventures back to weight watchers today after missing 3 weeks with holiday and work and it was so scary i had to jump off quick 6 lb on in 3 weeks !!!! i am one of those look at food and my eyes absorb the calories !
The picture below is from my scrap class ( total paper crafts september kit) the other week and it's here for the We Spy : you spy prompt of the week which is CREATIVE,

Summer Back ?

Thought i might have been hibernating all winter as the weather today has been glorious have i woken up in may ?

My bug bear of the day is .................. why do people name there house but not keep the number ???? i spent 45 mins driving up and down a very long road trying to go slowly looking for a house for work today, some names i couldn't even see, now don't get me wrong i think it's nice to give your home a personality with a name but can you not keep the number too ????

The HS/MS Promt for the day is BIG - well i did the usual when you think of big and thought what is on my daily travels today that might be classed as big ....................... wasn't going past big ben, no giant dog, or huge strawberry ok sorry i settled for 2 common areas of big in our house,
BIG MESS ( please note DS room !! ) and BIG PILE ( ok i'm the culprit on this pile of shoes that keep growing )

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

way hey it's wednesday

Wednesday ahhhhh my day off work and first time in ages all my tribe out were they are ment to be : 0 Bliss ................................. so sat with my morning tea and pondered what was to be done..... Housework mmmmm nope.................... washing mmmm nope ................ could do some scrapping finish my pages from the crop ............... tempting ......... but i decided i needed some more glue dots and well you guessed it my pop to the craft shop ended up in 4 hrs shopping .................... ah but my saving grace is i did get some xmas presents ( oh there i go again swearing it is way tooooooo early to mention such a thing !!!! )

swiftly on HS/MS propmt for day for anyone who reads this apart from fellow HS/MS er's is JUICY - so here is mine today cut up and ready to be squeezed into my curry for dinner ,

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

made it

Real quick one tonight feet not touched ground, i really thought as kids got older life would get slower mmmmm big mistake mine are 19, 16 and 10 and my feet don't seem to touch the ground these days with them and no tucked up in bed early so i can have hour peace mmmm

HS/MS Prpomt for day is -floating - well as i did the clouds the other day for over had to re think so out came the ever faithful plastic bath duck and bubble bath and here's my float : ) don't you love her eyelashes : )

Monday, 15 September 2008

Manic monday

Some how mondays in my house are always the most manic day of the week no matter how much planning i do , but despite that today has gone relatively smoothly , ( best not say too much ) we all got to the right places yeah : )

HS/MS prompt of day is Row - Due to the manicness i am using photo from my hol in spain last month, it was a fountain display with music and clour but trying to catch it on camera was bit of a nightmare, but here it is : ) a row of water fountains dancing : )

Thursday, 11 September 2008


Another day and still here, apologise to friends in office today i had throw toys out pram half hour !!! bad mood me never : )

so no dull notes today HS/MS prompt is OVER and my DS took this from his airplane seat ( you know the ones we all want to sit in , he won that battle lol )

Someone left comment yesterday that some prompts flood us with ideas others we become stuck with this was aa stuck one !

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

welcome wednesday

Wednesday half way through week, and we made it out the door and to school college and work without a major drama this morning!!!! yeahhhhhhhhhhhh : ) knew it could be done, thankyou for all your kind comments yesterday they ment alot to me,

HS/MS Propmt for day thanks to suzyb is BAG - So i got camera out and went on the hunt for a interesting bag shot, came across loads but sure u didn't want to see my recycle bag, or the mess of my handbag, then there was shopping bags and bags food came in , oh and school bags but in the end i decided on the rubbish that had found it's way into my garden, then had brain wave as putting camera away it was going in a BAG !!!! so for your pleasure just for today we have 2 star photos : )

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Long Week

Think i'm in for a long week, as i've already mentioned my son has a degree of special needs andi spent hour last night getting him sorted and organised ready to get up and go to college today, thought i had it all done then this morning no transport to pick him up they messed up on time, i don't think people realise what a huge effect a little mistake can have, i then had to get other 2 to school and him 20 miles to college wound up over his morning ordeal! ahhhhhh dare i say bring back summer holidays lol
on smiley side it's my scrap class tomorrow so going to find time to hunt out my pics to take, find time !!!! mmmmmmm that makes me laugh never enough time,
anyway my HS/MS prompt is Purple - so here's a picture curitsy of my son when he discover macro mode on camera other month,

Monday, 8 September 2008

sweet mmmm

monday again and finally all 3 of my angels back at school and college , no matter how prepared we are always manic in the mornings but sure our house not the only one!
My sister wants me to do a sign language course with her which i would love to but at the moment i'm trying to work out how to add hours to the day to fit it in, anyone know sign language is it hard to learn ??

OK HS/MS prompt for day is SWEET, so here are my sweet tooth down fall biscuits with a cup tea and in my dreams feet up : )

Thursday, 4 September 2008

i want sun !!!!

Been on my travels well wander to beach each day for week : ) spain , sun sand and sangria now home to rain !!!!! and cold !!! want sun back ,

Sure some of my pictures will make appearance at some point but need to get back in swing of things so for HS/MS prompt ENTER today i'm cheating old picture but wonder how many others of us have the same photo ? if you've been to isle of wight you probably will have : )

Thursday, 21 August 2008

3rd today

3rd post today i am on a roll ........... it is GCSe exam result day and my DS has learning difficulites but struggled and did his best and i'm so proud of him : ) so for the LETTERs prompt on We spy: you spy this week here's a picture of the results as we had to phone for them,

found !

I actually did it found todays Q prompt from HS:MS without getting kids to roll round : )

Scrap yeah

last night i actually managed to sit and scrap!!! and my dd 9yrs wanted to so i used this months kit from total papercrafts and she choose some from our stash and we worked the page bit at a time and she did her on her own and it is now proudly hanging on our wall. so thought i'd show you both of them today : )