Monday, 15 September 2008

Manic monday

Some how mondays in my house are always the most manic day of the week no matter how much planning i do , but despite that today has gone relatively smoothly , ( best not say too much ) we all got to the right places yeah : )

HS/MS prompt of day is Row - Due to the manicness i am using photo from my hol in spain last month, it was a fountain display with music and clour but trying to catch it on camera was bit of a nightmare, but here it is : ) a row of water fountains dancing : )


Sue said...

Very colourful and original take for todays prompt :-) You did well to capture it . . . I wouldn't have got anywhere close!

Monday is generally my best day . . . then it all goes downhill :-D

Sue :-)

Photographing Mom said...

I like it!

Chris T said...

Very well caught - can't have been easy

Hazel said...

This is a good idea for today - love the way it's captured

Igotmebabe said...

A lovely shot Sam, you have captured it really well